Instruction guides

Explore your 3D puzzle interactive instructions!

The new interactive instructions include videos, tips and additional explanations to help you complete all your favorite Wrebbit3D puzzles. Take a look!

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Our interactive instructions are easy-to-read tools on your computer, tablet or phone. Enhance your experience!

How To

Follow along the step-by-step instructions on how to assemble your Wrebbit3D Puzzle.  Watch the techniques used by a professional to assemble them. (Some models available, with more coming in the future.)

360° View

Watch the 360 view of your Wrebbit3D Puzzle and get a glimpse of what your accomplishment will look like once it’s fully assembled. Do not hesitate to help yourself out while you build your 3D puzzle: pause the video to create the custom reference image that you need during the puzzling or assembly step.